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Kids tennis lessons

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Kids Tennis Lessons

The advancement of technology has brought many gifts. Our lives have been made abundantly easier, our comfort level maximized and our gratification assured. That may seem like a good thing at first sight but there is a fatal flaw in this notion. We have become one of the laziest, most lethargic generation in the history of mankind.
Human being were never meant sit in front of a desk, twenty-four hours a day and punch numbers into a keyboard while continuously glaring into a computer screen. The lack of physical exertion has made our bodies frail, our bones brittle, our muscles soft and our legs weak. Technology has taken over every aspect of manual labor; we don’t even need to walk anymore owing to the adopted mainstream use of personal vehicles.
It is important that we don’t let the future generation succumb to this lifestyle. It is our job to get them away from the electronics; the Television, cell phones, tablets, laptops etc. and instead get them to do the things that kids are supposed to do which is to run around in the dirt, climb trees, scale the monkey bars, roll around in the grass, mimic wrestling matches, build snowmen and be in touch with nature.


Vision Tennis Coach
Vision Tennis Coach offers you the opportunity to enroll your children in one of the best Tennis coaching societies where they will learn everything there is to know about the sport in our kids tennis lessons.
Tennis is a remarkable sport that will help the kids develop their hand-eye coordination, improve their reflexes and stay fit while having a fun time.
Obesity has become a serious problem among many children today. Signing them up for a few kids tennis lessons a week will help their physical fitness and also keep them busy while you run your errands, and have a few hours of relative peace.

The kids tennis lessons have some of the best coaching staff available. They try to create a fun and exciting environment where every child feels included and can interact with others in a way that benefits all of them.
If a child require special assistance or extra attention, our coaches can provide that. We adapt according to the needs of each individual child.


Most children are unfamiliar with proper form and technique so we use rackets specifically designed for children along with low compression balls so we can teach them the basics and ease their transition into the game.
If you’re worried the kids may hurt themselves, don’t be. We know it’s a legitimate fear but our tennis coach are highly trained professional who know how to handle children from all walks of life.

Our aim isn’t simply to teach them Tennis. It’s to provide an environment where they intermingle with others, make friends, socialize, interact and in the process learn a very rewarding sport. Who knows, a few years into the future, they may actually make a career out of it. You son or daughter may be the next Novak Djokovic

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